A Passion for Compliance!

compliance financial services regulation Sep 17, 2021

I’ve had a unique regulatory career thus far! In the almost-20 years of regulation, I have regulated investment business, fiduciary services, insurance business and banking businesses. From onsite inspections to prudential assessments to contributing to the development of Strategic Regulatory Work Plans and National Risk Assessment Frameworks... my work has spanned the gamut! 

This work was much more than a localized blip, though. I’ve been privileged to have several opportunities to work together with seasoned professionals around the world. Many of whom had varying backgrounds along the spectrum of financial services - non-profits, governments, international standard setters, innovators, academia and other regulators. 

I’ve seen and worked on topics that had a global reach. I was a core member of the GIFCS Working Group that produced the international standard for Trust and Corporate Services Providers published in 2014. I also contributed in some small way to FATF Working Groups that developed Typology Reports in 2010 and again in 2016/7 on topics touching on money laundering, international cooperation on countering terrorist financing and others. 

I’ve had challenges in my work, too – from Panama Papers to Paradise Papers and direct projects concerning global issues surrounding beneficial ownership with the need to balance privacy. 

Admittedly, more recent work in the digital assets space and virtual asset service providers excites me! The compliance issues are even more critical given the speed and scale that innovative changes to financial services continue to bring. 

In addition to this, my passion for compliance has been coupled with another passion – being a part of the learning process! I’ve truly enjoyed the opportunities to teach, facilitate and mentor persons - who have completed certificates and degrees from recognized institutions in the USA and UK - for over seven years. Stretching these passions, I also wrote 3 of 4 modules in a Compliance Master Class that were successfully delivered to senior industry professionals and within a Competent Authority within the BVI in 2018 and cited in a peer review of the BVI by GIFCS. 

The Next Step...

The next step was to develop online courses and a variety of content available via IGNUS SOLUTIONS LIMITED as a part of my desire to help others get the knowledge derived from experience, regulatory engagement and broader engagement. Now, I excitedly welcome you to the Passion for Compliance Blog! 

But, why this Blog?

Here, I will discuss my views on many facets of regulation and compliance – sometimes, it will set out my opinion on what not to do (which is sometimes more important than knowing what to do). This blog, however, is not to offer legal or professional advice. 

The Issue... It all boils down to the fact that Regulators cannot tell licensees what to do in a live situation. We do, however, give guidance, but the real world has shown that challenges can derail compliance professionals, senior management and directors putting forward their best efforts but lacking context. 

The Resolve... I’ll be the first to say that I don’t have all the answers – no one does! Standards evolve and, so do threats! Nonetheless, this journey is one I hope you take with me. I want to help others understand compliance challenges and, more importantly, provide what may help professionals and future professionals navigate the issues when they come with more confidence. This blog is a part of what I hope will help. If my insights on several key compliance-centric topics help one person successfully tackle their challenges, then I would have accomplished my goal.  

Again, welcome to the Passion for Compliance Blog!


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